Last blog post! That's an exciting thing. As I reflect over the past semester, I am grateful for the things I have learned in this class. It was a much different experience than I had anticipated when I signed up for it. It was not so much about learning about being an entrepreneur, but more so learning about yourself and finding your life plan. I liked learning about how others find balance. It was nice to read how so many people struggle with finding balance in their life and that it is pretty much something that is a work in progress. One of the most poignant things about balance, that stood out to me, was from one of the videos. He talked about how we sometimes visualize balance as a pendulum and if the ball is fairly in the center, than we are balanced. He then went on to explain that there will be times when our pendulum goes to one side or the other, but as long as in the long scheme of things you aren't always on one side, then you are balanced. I felt like that was s...