I have kind of always dreamed of starting my own business, but never felt like I had the capability of doing so. As I went through the readings this week, It made me excited for this class. I really enjoyed watching the video "Do What You Love." He made some very good points about finding what you love to do and not just doing what you think you should do. I feel like I often do the thing that I am "supposed" to do and not really what I love to do.
I also enjoyed reading the introduction to the course. It says that this course is the "startup of you." I really look forward to this. When I was younger, I always had a plan of what I wanted to do. As I got older, and life threw me for a few loops, those plans changed and many of them dissolved. Now, here I am, 32 with four kids and my priorities are much different than they were when I was 18 and fresh out of high school. This is totally fine too, but, because of that, I feel that I have kind of "lost" who I am. What do I want to do? I don't know! I think that that is okay too.
I also like that the introduction to the course says that we will ask ourselves, "What is my calling in life? How do I create meaning? and How will I measure my life?" These things are things that I ask myself quite a bit. Especially what is my calling in life. I feel like this is kind of like a revolving door for me. Sometimes, I feel strongly that it is one thing (i.e. being a mom) and then I feel like there is something else, but I don't know what that is. I look forward to exploring myself more and hopefully finding the answers to some of these questions.
It seems like a lot of my classmates have always wanted to own a business and already have a plan for one. As I mentioned earlier, owning a business is something that I kind of have dreamed of, but it was more like a pipe-dream. When I switched my major to business management they automatically placed me in the entrepreneurial emphasis. I was going to change it initially and then decided that it is okay to try something that doesn't seem to be something that I would naturally do.
I am hopeful that I will learn quite a bit about myself in this class and maybe some about what it means to be an entrepreneur and see if it is something that will be a fit for me.
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