This week really made me think about what it is I want to do in my life. It is something that I have been pondering a lot since I started pursuing my education at BYU-I. The Stepping Stones and Stars was a good exercise to kind of lay out what my final life goal is and the different steps I can take to get there. I actually chose three different options and wrote out what things I would need to do for each career. One of my biggest "stars," if you will, is that I want to always be available for my children no matter what. Even as they are adults. So, as I am looking at career options that is always in the back of my mind. Both my husband's mom and my mom, have been able to come and help us or visit us whenever we needed. It has been such a blessing for us and I want to be able to do that for my children as well. The Stepping Stones activity really made me look at my priorities and how I can keep those in tact while also pursuing dreams.
I love Randy Pausch. I had actually already read his book and was familiar with him. I think he has a lot of good points in what he said. I think he achieved so many of his dreams because he didn't leave them as dreams. He set them as goals. When we set goals and set a plan in how to achieve them, we are much more likely to do so. I think dreaming is super important. It is what leads to goals which leads to (hopefully success). Dreaming really helps you to know what you like. It teaches you about yourself.
When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming a NICU doctor. Ever since I was in elementary school that is what I wanted to do. I think technically I could do it. My husband always tells me that he would support me and we could move so I could go to medical school. But then I think about my stars and my priorities and do not feel that medical school is in the cards for me any more. I just feel like it would be too hard on my family. But, that is okay. I think dreams are a starting point for you. Dreams can be readjusted. This is why nursing and becoming a nurse practitioner is one of the things I am contemplating doing. I wanted to be a doctor to help people and because I love the science of the human body. I am still undecided as to whether I will pursue this as my career. There are a lot of question marks surrounding what I should do. I know eventually, I will find the answer as to what is best for my life.
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